Creating and Managing Accounts

Adding Accounts

Every clinic has a Tricefy account - a single account can have many users.

After creating a customer (the person who is responsible for payment), select the New Account button on the customer page.

Name the account, select the appropriate country code, Uplink Type, and country code.

 Learn more about the different versions of Uplink

Select Setup patient link automation under Account Creation Wizard to automatically configure the account settings to send uploaded images to patients.

 Learn more about automated patient links

Select Create Account to create the account.

Managing Accounts

Accounts are populated on the Accounts screen, which is accessible from the customers menu at the top of the screen:

The Accounts screen lists the Account ID (automatically assigned), Account name, Customer, Data Retention, Onboarding step (built-into the Tricefy software) and number of Uplinks for each account.  

Select the hyperlink in the Name column to view or modify information for a specific account:

Select Change Data Retention to change the duration that data is saved (10 years is the default). After this period of time, the data is deleted.

Inviting new users

Select Invite New Users to invite the Account Administrator(s) to their Tricefy account.  Make sure to check the Admin Privileges checkbox so that they can invite additional members to their account.

After accepting their account invitation (which will arrive via email), account administrators can log into Tricefy to invite additional members.

 See instructions for sending invitations from the Tricefy account settings

You can refer back to this screen to see if your customer accepted the invitations. Customers who accepted the invitation will be listed under Members:

If your customer did not accept the invitation, they shown under Invitations with a status of "pending:"

Select Resend to email the customer the invitation again.


The bottom of the screen displays account statistics summarizing usage per month.