Sharing with Patients


Sending Images to a Patient
After a patient share has been sent the study list details will have a "share" icon to indicate the number of links that have gone out. You can also see a history of patient share links by clicking the shares icon on the Side Panel . Each link sent...
Resending Images to Patient
If a patient is unable to view images, most likely the link has expired. By default, links are active for 90 days. Attempts to use the link after this time period results in an error message for the patient. Resend the Same Link Resendin...
Patient Emails
When a study is sent to a patient via email, they receive a message similar to the one shown below. This email includes a link to their personal landing page, where they can view and download their images. Both the email and text message...
Patient Links / Landing Page
When a study is sent to a patient via email, they receive brief instructions and a link to their unique landing page. They can choose to open this link using their browser (which will display the landing page below) or by using the Tricefy Mobile A...