Turning off Notifications

To access your settings, select Personal  Settings from the user menu at the top of the screen:

Select the Notifications tab to modify when Tricefy notifications are sent:

  • Send me an email when someone makes a note in a study: Uncheck this box to stop receiving notifications when notes are made in a study
    • Check this box to turn on notifications
  • Send me a notification when a consult is delivered to any of my accounts: Specify a delivery method in the drop-down menu to receive notifications for when a study is shared with you
    • Off: Disable this notification
    • Email: Delivers notification via email
    • SMS: Delivers notification via text message
  • Send me a notification when a study is added to any of my accounts: Specify a delivery method in the drop-down menu to receive notifications when your clinic uploads a new study
    • Off: Disables this notification
    • SMS: Delivers notification via text message
    • Email: Delivers notification via email

Select Save Settings to save adjustments made on this screen.

Select Back to Tricefy to return to the Studies screen.